Root Canal Treatment

Kanal Tedavisi

Root Canal Treatment

### How is Endodontic Treatment Performed?

The first step of endodontic treatment involves administering local anesthesia to the affected tooth to ensure the patient does not feel pain. Next, under a rubber dam—a non-allergenic rubber sheet—the damaged hard tissues of the tooth are removed to access the pulp chamber. The pulp chamber is the part of the tooth rich in nerve and blood vessel bundles, which maintain the vitality of the tooth. The infected pulp tissue in this area is removed using canal files. The root canal system is irrigated with chemical solutions to clean and disinfect it. This process creates the necessary space for filling the canal system with biomaterials to replace the removed pulp.

### Can Root Canal Treatment Be Seen on an X-ray?

Since the biomaterials used are radiopaque, the refilled root canal system can be observed in detail on post-treatment X-rays.