Bonding Application
Bonding is an aesthetic dental procedure that involves shaping composite material on the tooth surface without performing any modifications to the tooth's hard tissue. The reasons why bonding is frequently preferred include that it does not involve any abrasion of the tooth's hard tissue and it is a reversible aesthetic procedure.
Composite veneers, also known as bonding applications, can be applied to a specific area of the tooth surface or to the entire surface depending on the aesthetic expectations and treatment needs of the patient.
How Many Sessions Does Bonding Take?
The process of composite veneer treatment progresses according to the patient's desires and concerns. Bonding applications can be completed in a single session depending on the number of teeth to be treated, or multiple sessions can be planned. In the first session, a whitening procedure is performed. After whitening, the tooth surface is left for two weeks to allow the composite material to properly bond. The bonding procedure is planned based on the number of teeth to be treated in both the upper and lower jaws. In a single session, the treatment and finishing procedures can be completed within 3-4 hours. In cases with many teeth to be treated, the process may be divided into two sessions to avoid tiring the patient. A follow-up appointment is scheduled after treatment. At the follow-up session, any necessary final adjustments to the tooth surface and shape are made.
Who Can Prefer Bonding Treatment?
Patients who prefer not to undergo cutting procedures on their tooth surfaces but still want a whiter and more aesthetic smile can opt for composite veneers. With bonding applications, we can treat crooked teeth, close gaps between teeth, and easily make color and form changes to the teeth.